Vul de vragenlijst in over pijn bij MSA

Vul de vragenlijst in over pijn bij MSA

17 april 2023

Onderzoekers van de universiteit van Innsbruck doen onderzoek naar pijn bij mensen met MSA. Heeft u MSA of bent u mantelzorger voor iemand met MSA? Vul dan de vragenlijst in! Deze vragenlijst is beschikbaar in het Engels en in het Duits. Er is geen Nederlandse versie.

Are you a person living with MSA or are you caring for a person with MSA?

People with MSA frequently experience pain, but its frequency, core features and risk factors are still poorly understood.
We, a team of researchers from the Medical University of Innsbruck in Austria, launched a web-based survey to learn more about your pain or the pain of the person with MSA you care for. The completion of the questionnaire will require approximately 30 minutes. If you (or the person you care for) do not have pain, you are still welcome to answer some useful questions.
For more information, contact us:
Thank you for helping us develop better treatments for people living with MSA.


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